Last week, I said I would show you how to make a wreath and a Christmas tree for FREE. This is so easy to do, and will only take about 15 minutes per project!
First, you need to take a trip to your local Lowe's or Home Depot and pick up some FREE, fresh greenery. Go to the Christmas tree stand outside, and just ask for some clippings. They will let you take as much as you want! They just trash these extra clippings, but they make great fresh, Christmas decorations.
Supplies Needed:
- Fresh Greenery
- Tomato cage (or any large cone shaped object you have laying around the house or yard)
- 2 wreaths or wreath forms. I had two grapevine spray wreaths on hand, so I chose to use those. (If you don't have extra wreaths on hand, you can purchase the grapevine wreaths at Hobby Lobby when they are 50% off for around $10 each. They are great to reuse for different seasons. A great investment if you ask me!)
- Garland (optional)
- One strand of lights
Christmas Tree Tutorial
First Step: Turn your tomato cage upside down, so it creates a cone shape. (Smaller portion will be at the top.)Step Two: If using garland, begin wrapping garland around the outside of the cage, starting at the top.
My garland did not cover all the space. I just made sure it went from top to bottom. There were some gaps when I was done. I mainly did this step, because I didn't think I had picked up enough greenery.
Step Three: Begin snipping your greenery and fill in gaps beginning at the bottom and work your way up. Remember to use larger pieces at the bottom and shorter, smaller ones as you work your way up. You want it to mimic a live tree. The garland helped to hold it all together, but next year, I think I am going to do all live greenery.
Step Four: Add your strand of lights starting at the top and work your way down.
I was going to add a burlap bow to the top, but I ran out of burlap ribbon. (How does that happen??) I seriously have at least 100 feet of burlap ribbon running through the interior of my house this Christmas. I'll have to remember to have at least 200 feet for next Christmas!
Christmas Wreath Tutorial
The Christmas wreath is so simple it only has one step!All you do is take your wreath form, preferably a grapevine wreath, and begin stuffing your clipped greenery into the wreath. Work your way around the wreath until you've made a complete circle. The reason I love using the spray grapevine is because it has a more rustic look to it, and you can keep your greenery at longer lengths.
If using a regular wreath, I suggest clipping your greenery shorter. You might also try attaching your greenery with floral wire if needing to use shorter stems.
I didn't use anything to attach the greenery. I simply stuffed it into the grapevine and hung it on our shed doors. They even made it through the worst winter storm we've seen in years this past week! I was sure the greenery would fly off since I didn't attach it, but it has stayed put. Maybe it just froze in place before the wind could pry it off!
I didn't have any berries, but I think red berries would really complete the look on these, don't you? I was trying to go for FREE Christmas decorations this year, though, so the berries will have to wait until next Christmas.
Merry Christmas to all!
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