J and I had been talking about sprucing up our living room for a while, but just hadn't taken the first steps to doing anything about it. We really have what most people call a "Great Room". It's just one large open space that counts as living room, eating area and kitchen. It's perfect for making the space seem large, but it causes a bit of a decorating dilemma having to marry all three spaces together.
How I Made Them
It was extremely easy! All I did was take the Burlap Ribbon found in rolls at Hobby Lobby and wove it into the basket. I secured the ends together with a little hot glue, and that's all it took! I believe it only took 2 rolls to do all three baskets. If you wait for the ribbon to go on sale at 50% off, you only pay $5 for 2 rolls! That means these are extremely affordable light fixtures that make a huge statement in your home.
This is just the beginning! We have plans for under the bar area, a fireplace make-over and an entirely new wall for our living room. I'm getting tired just thinking about all of the work that we're doing!
Here are a few before pictures to give you an idea of what we're starting...
Our fireplace BEFORE... |
This gives you an idea of our wall. |
Our entry wall. |
Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Happy November!
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