One of my favorite blogs is Miss Mustard Seed. I love her decorating style and the furniture she refinishes. She came out with her own brand of milk paint called Miss Mustard Seed Milk Paint.
I had heard of milk paint, but always thought it was something you could only use on raw wood. Milk paint was how they used to paint furniture back in the 1800s. If you have an antique piece of furniture from the 1800s that has original paint on it, chances are it is milk paint.
Once I started doing a little research, I learned that milk paint can be used on any finish, not just raw wood! It gives a great antique, chippy look when it's distressed, so I thought I would try it out.
Here are a few things to consider when you're choosing this paint:
- It comes in powder form, so you only have to mix what you need. It's easy to mix - you just add water.
- The consistency is much thinner than latex, oil or chalk paint. It resembles, well, milk. Slightly thicker than water, but still a bit runny.
- There are more color variations since you do have to mix it yourself. If the pigments don't stay mixed in, the paint can change colors slightly. So, remember to stir frequently.
- If you don't use a bonding agent, this paint will chip naturally. Be prepared for large portions of paint to come off in some areas. If you like to be in control of your distressing, this is NOT the paint for you.
- You don't have to sand or prep your furniture in any way when using this paint.
- A top, protective coat is necessary with this paint. I chose to use a wax finish on mine.
All in all, I highly recommend Miss Mustard Seed's Milk Paint. It comes in a variety of great colors, and it's much more affordable than many chalk paints on the market. I like it because you only mix what you need at the time, so I feel that you waste less paint that way. Plus, the way this paint distresses gives your furniture a true antique finish that other paints can't accomplish.
If you want a no fuss paint that stores easily, lasts forever in it's powder form, and is affordable - go out and purchase a bag of milk paint for yourself! Let me know how you like it!
Go to Miss Mustard Seed's page to find out where you can purchase paint in your area, and to learn more about how to mix and distress the paint.
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